Asset Investigations

Cash Rules Everything Around Me

Aonyx Solutions can handle asset search investigations. These investigations are critical when it comes to divorce settlements, business partners, and relatives, which try to conceal assets for financial gains. We work along with your attorneys to locate financial and physical assets that can provide you with the information, and evidence needed in court.

Proper planning and a systematic approach to the asset investigation is the best way to cover all the bases when doing these types of investigations, regardless of the type. We provide asset searches of personal property, real property, motor vehicles, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, and financial accounts.

When an attorney is filing a lawsuit, especially when it involves monetary compensation, an asset investigation can provide the information needed to decide if the individual has enough assets to cover the expense of going to trial.

All investigations are done legally and ethically. We pride ourselves on being able to help you get the information you need to better serve your clients.

For a free consultation on what we can do for you, feel free to contact us.