Personal Injury Investigations

                      PERSONAL INJURY            


We help support attorneys, insurance companies, employers, and trucking companies in their efforts to prove liability and or fraud with emphasis on truck safety.  When conducting our investigations, integrity encompasses the research. We provide proven facts of the cases we work on regardless of the outcome. We provide client intake for attorneys in areas that they may not be able to service.

Our investigations entail conducting scene documentation, including checking for witnesses, surveillance personal injurycameras that may have recorded the accident, along with photos, and videos of the scene.

Statement taking from witnesses and injured parties are pertinent when trying to put together an investigation, along with some of the other moving parts of the investigations such as social media, background checks, medical records, and finally the surveillance.

In commercial vehicle accidents, there are a lot more moving parts to include, hours of service, inspections, driver training requirements, and now, the new ELD  (Electronic Logging Devices) requirements for the majority of trucking companies.

If you are looking for assistance navigating Commercial Vehicle Regulations or ELD regulations, please contact us to further inquire about the various services we provide.

Aonyx Solutions believes that every investigation should be done in a timely and diligent manner, so if this is what you are looking for in an investigator- please call to see how we can better assist you with your concerns.

personal injury investigation